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Without any instruments anciant people learned a lot of things about our Univers. Basic outlook of univers was not correct , still they explained allmost everything they observed.They made a lot of instruments and methods to calculate and use the knowledge in their life.Kamal,Rubul mujayyab,and Astrolabes are a few of them.

I am T.A.Gafur an ameteur astronomer from Kerala,India aged 50 years and have been observing the sky for last 30 years. I have studied economtcs in college but interested Astronomy,Cosmology,And astronomical history. I am a member of AMETEUR ASTRONOMY CLUB,KOZHIKKODE,under reginal science centre there.We had study tours to Vienu Bapu Observatory,Kavalur with 2.3 meter telescope,
and biggest optical telescope in Asia,and solar observatory,Kodaikanal.
Partcipated T O V workshop, Chennai conducted by All India People's Science Network and was one of the partcipants from Kerala State.
Now I am cunducting classes,seminars.telescope and other equipment making workshops,writing articles in science journals and doing some indipentend search in to astronomical history.Knowing more than a dozon languages I had a search in to the history of Arabic Astronomy and collected tradditional books of astronomy in Arabic.I made Astrolabes, Rubul Mujayyabs, Armillary Spheres of my own style and are utilising for teachers training often attend by me.In the web page there is a picture of  Astrolabe which is made by me. in SS steel.
Now my most interested topic is Modern cosmology especially the concepts of space and time and is having some thoughts about it which will come in this web pages soon. 

I might also include some information about my personal history: where I grew up, where I went to school, various places I've lived. If I have one, I'll include a picture of myself engaging in an activity I enjoy, such as a sport or hobby.


What a job!

I might describe my job in a little more detail here. I'll write about what I do, what I like best about it, and even some of the frustrations. (A job with frustrations? Hard to believe, huh?)


Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

Jules and Jim, Manhattan, Breaking the Waves

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

Nirvana, Frank Sinatra, Ibrahim Ferrer
