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Arabs were the champions of Astronomy as it was required by them for their voyages of deserts and vast oceans. They devoloped somany star charts and instruments that even now can be used to learn Astronomy. The use of Astrolabes are complicated so that it was an instrument used only proffesional navigators and astronomers. Modern Cosmology is still in the hands of cosmologists. It is not concivable for the common people. For example the concept of space and time itself is very difficult to understand . Does an ordinary man think about space and time? No. there is no requirment of it for a person in his day today life. But certainly it requiers for him for life.When a document or a letter writes it is a must to put place and time in it , otherwise nobody know when and where it happened.Science has grownup and now it is necessary to think universal level so that the concept of space time hanged.
